Friday, August 29, 2008

A Good Pick For VP

I listened to her speak today and I like her. Too bad she is not at the top of the ticket or that the ticket is not "Paul/Palin".

Thursday, August 7, 2008


Tuesday, Westin Sunset Deck

Wednesday from the "Motion on the Ocean"

Thursday from Mallory Square

Clouds over Sunset Key after sunset

Absolutely incredible sunsets all three nights.

Key West Birds

Parrot on Duval Street

Key West Chicken at Mallory Square

Mama hen herding her chicks under the car as I tried to take their picture

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Flying Over The Conch Republic

We flew on Thursday and Friday morning, at altitudes from 200 to 1000 feet. We took off and flew west, avoiding the Navy base to the north. We flew over Ballast Key, about 9 miles west of Key West, which is now owned privately and has a nice house/compound on it. In the 70's it was a destination for Jimmy Buffett and friends to party on. They would get in various sized boats filled with ice chests, charcoal grills and other fun stuff and they would head to Ballast Key for a jumbo sized beach party.
I saw a shark on each trip and also saw several sea turtles, dolphins, and rays. It was the start of the lobster mini season so there were a lot of lobster fishermen along with the sailors, divers, and snorkelers. Incredible shades of blue, green, and turquoise were seen as I looked down upon the ocean.
The Cessna 172 felt much more powerful and smooth compared to a Cessna 150. I guess I was the First Officer to Captain Matt, only because of sitting in the right seat. In the event of any trouble, the only thing I would know to do would be pray and scream.
For less than the cost of renting a boat for 1/2 a day we spent about 1 hour and twenty minutes in the air above some beautiful ocean and islands. A good deal, but next time I want to go out in a boat also.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

South Florida Vacation Overview-Key West, the Conch Republic

A brief overview to be followed by several posts with lots of pictures, stories, restaurant reviews, and impressions.

We flew to Miami on Monday, arriving early in the afternoon. Drove around Miami Beach, had dinner at Medi's on Ocean Drive, and walked along the beach.

Tuesday morning we got up and headed down US 1 towards the Parrothead homeland, Key West. With perfect timing, "Margaritaville" started playing on the CD player just as we crossed the last bridge onto the island. We drove to the Westin, checked in, and headed to Duvall Street for a late lunch. There are a lot of good choices for lunch, but how better to start than at Jimmy Buffet's Margaritaville? The cheese burgers, fries, and frozen margarita's were excellent!! Atmosphere and music were great also.

We watched the sunset Tuesday night from the Sunset Deck of the Westin and could see and hear the "Catman" and other street performers. More later, but I don't if I can really explain the crazy catman fully. Dazzling sunset and then off to Duvall to take a stroll. We had a late snack at Jack Flats, a comfortable sport bars with a lot of locals and a friendly staff.

Wednesday morning we rented bikes to ride around the island. We went down Simonton Street to the Atlantic Ocean, then left on South Street to the Southernmost Point in the Continental US. We rode down along the beach and then down A1A to the Key West International Airport. Since my son-in-law Matt is an airline pilot (a very good one), we wanted to see if we could rent a Cessna 172 (four seater) to fly around the islands. We reserved a plane for the next morning and after a nice lunch in the airport cafe, The Conch Flyer, we rode the bikes back to the hotel in the hot tropical sun. It was a good work out. We then went (drove the car) to Higgs Beach for a swim in the Atlantic Ocean. After an afternoon swim, we had a sunset cruise on Fury's Motion on the Ocean catamaran (we did not know when I signed up for the cruise it would be us and 40 German tourists). Quite an interesting and fun night, some details later, and some things that stay known only to those on Duvall Street that night.

The next morning at a terribly early time of 9:30 am (well, very early considering the night before) we took off in the Cessna with Matt at the controls. I felt much better with the fresh air from the open window at 100 mph and 500 feet above the ocean. Incredibly beautiful shades of blue, turquoise, and green below us along with sailboats, speedboats, sharks, sea turtles, and dolphins. After the flight, we had lunch at Caroline's Cafe (310 Duvall). It was excellent. Amanda and I shared a cuban pork sandwich which was great, and their key lime pie was fantastic. The seafood buffet later (221 Duvall) for dinner was a disappointment. Not bad food, but very average and overpriced.

Before dinner Matt and Amanda took a jet ski ride while the old folks rested. Early that evening I "went down to Captain Tony's, just to get out of the heat" and had a beer while listening to the singer do his song about the German tourists that are "invading" Key West. I saw Captain Tony, who must be quite old since he bought the bar in 1958. And what better way to make the last stop on Duvall Street than by having a Landshark at the bar in "Margaritaville".

Friday morning we checked out of the hotel and went to the Key West airport for another Cessna ride before driving to the Miami airport. Again, the views were awesome. Great people at Island City Flying, very nice. We ended up cutting it a little close on getting to the airport on time for the flight back home, but I did my best Ricky Bobby imitation on US1/Dixie Highway and we made it with 30 minutes to spare.

A great and memorable trip, more to come. Some pictures here, more to follow.

Later Parrotheads.